The Vincent Shrine
Final Fantasy VII-The Zack Knightblade Shrine


The Zack Shrine

The Vincent Shrine

The Aeris Gainsborough Shrine

The Sephiroth Shrine

The Turks Shrine

Changes I hope to make

Secrets and Strategy for FFVII and FFVIII

Favorite Links

FF Images

Guest Book Page


Vincint's Info
Occupation: Unemployed
Age: 27
Height: 6' 0"
Brith date: October 13
Birth place: Unknown
Blood type: A

  Personal Info A mystical man, stern and upright while at the same time dark and mysterious. His past connection with Shinra is what made him join Cloud and the others. He may seem frail at first glance, but hidden inside his body lurks a fearsome power.

Vincent as a Turk
  Vincent as a character In my mind Vincent is one of the better characters you want in a battle. His gun damage is sizable and his magic is strong. The only thing that makes him the best is his ability to change into one of four monsters as his Limit Break.

Vincent mourning Lucriecia's death
  Vincent's love for Lucrieicia After Vincent became a Turk he was assigned to guard Lucrieicia, who was in love with Prof. Hojo(Squaresoft loves those love triangles). After a while Vincent fell in love with Lucrieicia, but was most of the time shy to tell her. When giving birth to Spehiroth she died, in a mad stricken rage Vincent ran to the ShinRa Mansion to kill Hojo, but before he could Hojo pulled a gun on him. While knocked out Hojo beformed expirements on Vincent, these were: cutting his left arm off at the elbow and replacing it with a mechanicle one, and giving him genes of different beasts making him not quite human. Grief stricken for Lucrieicia Vincent went to sleep in a coffin for 20 years waking up when Cloud and gang came to the Nibel area.

Vincent with Lucrieicia 's cave