The Zack Knightblade Shrine
Final Fantasy VII-The Zack Knightblade Shrine


The Zack Shrine

The Vincent Shrine

The Aeris Gainsborough Shrine

The Sephiroth Shrine

The Turks Shrine

Changes I hope to make

Secrets and Strategy for FFVII and FFVIII

Favorite Links

FF Images

Guest Book Page


Zack Personal Info
Occupation: Mercenary; Ex-member of SOLDIER, First Class
Age: 24
Birthdate: unknown
Birthplace: Gongaga
Height: 6'
Weight: 175lbs
Blood Type: unknown
Weapon: Buster Sword

What's the deal with Zack?
Zack was Cloud's best friend when the were both in Shinra, but then Zack got promoted to Soldier First-Class. While in Soldier he met the legandary Sephiroth. Sephiroth took Zack as his partner, and taught him how to use a sword. Later Sephiroth, Zack and Cloud are sent to investigate the reactor at Cloud's old town, Cloud's is embaressed that he couldn't become Soldier First-Class and keeps his mask on, so Tifa couldn't see him.After Sephiroth burns done the town, Zack and Cloud are taken as lab expirements and Hojo tries to re-create the super soldier again. Zack shows reaction to the Jenova genes, but Cloud is put into a comotose state. Zack and Cloud bust out of the lab and travel to Midgar, but before they get there Zack is killed by Shinra soldiers, and Cloud is left for dead. Cloud takes Zack's sword and travels the rest of the way to Midgar and finds Tifa at the Sector 7 train station. So technically all of Cloud's memories are actuelly Zack's.
  (If you didin't already know, Zack is the boyfriend Aries talks about)

Where else is Zack?
Zack is also a secret character for Ehrgeiz. To get him you most beat it with all Final Fantasy VII characters. It may look like he's got Cloud's moves, but his are better.

The best Zack Site

Rocket Town, The only place I can get really cool Zack pics

This is a pic of Sephiroth, Zack, and Cloud, in his Shinra duds

This is the only officialy drawn Zack picture(from Ehrgeiz)